Objective: To design and implement a simple, user-friendly temperature control system for a factory work floor, enabling a comfortable and efficient work environment for factory workers by mitigating the temperature fluctuations caused by large operating machinery.
Research Focus: Acknowledging the adverse effects of extreme temperature variations on worker productivity and safety at a factory floor in Sri Lanka. Determined to establish a system that monitors and adjusts the temperature to optimal levels throughout the day.
Hardware & Software Requirements: The system will require temperature and humidity sensors, and a computer equipped with software capable of processing real-time environmental data. The software will provide a graphical user interface (GUI) for displaying live data and triggering alerts.
Data & Programming: Data from sensors will be visualized in a graph, showing temperature and humidity trends. A divide and conquer approach will be used for programming tasks, with visualizations aiding in data interpretation.
Solution Design: Proposed a temperature control system with a feedback loop, integrating sensors and control algorithms to regulate temperature and humidity at desired set points.
Key Outcomes:
Temperature Regulation: The system aims to automatically maintain different temperatures for various times, potentially saving energy and costs.
Worker Comfort and Safety: By avoiding extreme temperatures, the system will enhance workers’ focus and reduce health risks.
User Interaction: The GUI will allow management to set temperature thresholds and display live data, with the capability to prompt the user to activate cooling mechanisms or visual alerts.
Contribution & Future Scope: This temperature control system can serve as a model for larger, more complex systems. It also presents an opportunity for low-budget companies to adopt computational methods for environmental monitoring. Future enhancements may include remote monitoring capabilities and integration with a wider range of environmental control systems.
Explore More: Visit the project on GitHub for a comprehensive understanding of its development and functionality: Temperature Monitoring System